National Urban Alliance

The Components
National Urban Alliance - Indianapolis Public Schools

Administrators Training is for all site administrators who are regularly brought together for full day workshops with NUA consultants.

Boundary Sessions include representatives from all IPS schools. The boundary sessions are divided into three groupings: K-2, 3-5, and secondary. Tier 2 participants have completed a first year cycle (Tier 1) and will begin a second year of participation. Last year there were five Tier 1 Boundary Sessions for each of the five IPS boundaries (Broad Ripple, Northwest, Arsenal Tech, Arlington, and Manual). This year there will be four Tier 1 and three Tier 2 Boundary Sessions.

Leadership Academies are four continuous full day sessions for a select group of teachers. The participants applied for and were selected to collaborate with their peers in either the K-2, 3-5, or secondary sections. The participants have been going to Boundary Sessions and have completed a Summer Intensive.

Site Visits are a full day visit at the IPS schools by a NUA consultant. Visits include modeled lessons with students, observing classrooms, workshops, team building, and more. Each site will receive three Tier 1 (substitutes) and three Tier 2 (no substitutes) visits.

Summer Intensives are week long IPS summer gatherings that includes two full day sessions with NUA consultants. The participants select two different sessions each NUA day. Every IPS teacher participants in one of the three Summer Intensives during 1998, 1999, or 2000.
IPS Project Page

Leadership Academy

Boundary Sessions

Site Visits

Principal Seminars

