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Beacon Project Overview
The NUA - Beacon Project will focus on activities at Beacon High School and Rombout Middle School. The project will focus attention on new teachers in Beacon.  The project will introduce teachers to strategies for collaborative teaming and literacy and cognition.  The goal is to improve student performance in order to meet the New York State Standards and achieve Beacon's Goals for Teaching and Learning.

NUA & Beacon Public Schools

All participants will engage in activities that enable them to

  • Work Collaboratively
  • Actively acquire and apply content knowledge to writing across the curriculum
  • Reflect on their knowledge (metacognition)about writing in all content areas
  • Develop their ability to elaborate and edit written expression of their knowledge

Writing will be used as a curriculum unifier.  Participants will learn how to teach writing across the curriculum in an organized, developmental approach that fosters rich vocabulary and reflects advanced thinking.

Participants will be (re)introduced to a set of basic strategies for thinking about and practicing reading, writing and higher level thinking.  The strategies help students gather words and organize their ideas, and the goal is to write fluent, organized, thoughtful text that says something worthwhile about a particular topic. Each new strategy will be introduced and reviewed, building on what was introduced earlier. Over the course of the school year, participants will apply the strategies to a specific topic or area of study.  They will be introduced and reviewed in workshops and at on-site (school building) meetings with administrators and their participating faculty.

All participants will receive copies of Writing as Learning (WAL) and Teaching with the Brain in Mind (BIM) to use as references and resources to support the professional development activities.  In addition, they will be provided composition books to create their own personal resource guide.

build vocabulary and focus attention on important ideas and relationships.  They help writers to create sentences and paragraphs about the specific topic. (WAL)

Composing with Key Words fosters ability to recognize and state relationships about a topic. (WAL) 

Definition format focuses attention on precision in concept development and forms the basis for analogical thinking. (WAL)

Profiles, Frames and "Who's Who " structure and support biographical and autobiographical writing. (WAL)

Reasons, Causes, Results help writers to express and support opinions and respond to open ended questions. (WAL)

Interactions and Personifications help students compose and appreciate writing from a new or imaginary point of view. (WAL)

Read-Talk-Write and Think-Pair-Share are precursors to summarizing and foster note taking and metacognitive reflection. (BIM)

One Sentence Summaries help students identify significant details and relationships for note taking and summaries. (BIM)

Thinking Maps provide a common visual language for organization and structured note taking, pre-writing and assessment. (TM) (BIM)

In order to minimize the substitute burden on a school when the strategy sessions are scheduled, NUA consultants will work with one half of the participating teachers at a time.


  • Teachers new to Beacon.
  • Teachers and team leaders with past positive experiences with NUA.
  • Members of 9th grade teaching teams at Beacon High School.
  • Team leaders from each participating department and school.
  • Designated classes of students from each department and school.
  • All team leaders in each building will participate in large group and on site professional development activities.
  • All building administrators (Principal, Assistant Principals) will participate in as many of the professional development activities as possible and  will be  expected to actively support on-site application of the strategies (see item #2 below in the section on planning)


Service Delivery
Service Delivery: Planning
NUA consultants will continue to work regularly with their specific schools. They will meet together at least four times during the school year to establish common sequences of activities to ensure quality control.

Principals, Assistant Principals and Team Leaders will meet as a group with NUA consultants at least during the school year: before the program begins, twice during the fall semester and at least four times during the spring semester, to identify target teachers and classes, familiarize themselves with the instructional strategies, and develop action plans and procedures for support and on-going evaluation of the project.

District office Personnel and Consultants will meet at least four times during the year: before the program begins, twice during the fall semester and at least once during the spring semester, to anticipate and address issues of organization and program support.

Service Delivery: On Site Professional Development
The specific strategies will be introduced to the teachers at the onsite workshops. Six site visits by regular NUA consultants will allow them to work with teams and individual teachers, Team Leaders and building administrators.  They will practice the strategies, plan together, reflect on the outcomes of implementation, and identify issues and impediments to progress at the building level.  The long-term goal of this component of the Beacon Project is to build an infrastructure at the building level that will continue to support on-site professional development.

Consultants will conduct faculty seminars, model strategies in selected classrooms, encourage team building, help participants to coach each other and to assess progress in application of the strategies and program development. When and where appropriate, they will participate in faculty and department meetings.

The NUA consultants will also coach the individual Team Leaders in their instructional leadership roles, and help them to develop agendas for department meetings that focus on modeling, demonstration and sharing of instructional issues and application of teaming and writing across the curriculum.

All of the Team Leader, Assistant Principals and Principals will meet as a large a group on four occasions to address strategies and implementation issues; to present updates and strengthen communication networks.

Service Delivery: Specialty Consultants
Subject Specific consultants with expertise in writing and language will schedule meetings with individual school teams to introduce recent research and practice and address specific instructional-related issues.  Choice and scheduling of these consultants will be determined by school interest and specific needs.

Project Outcomes: Indicators of Success
What should participants know and be able to do as a result of the implementation of the first full year of the Beacon project?

Collaboration: Participants will become familiar with strategies to work in a collaborative, productive setting.

Teaming: Participants will learn strategies to assist them in functioning as productive instructional teams.

Knowledge: All participants will become familiar with strategies listed below.  These strategies encourage thinking, reading and writing in the content areas. 

Teachers will be expected to apply at least 5 of the strategies in their classrooms.
Writing Strategies:

  1. Taxonomies
  2. Composing with Key Words
  3. Definition Format; Writing Definitions
  4. Frame for Metacognition of Prior and New Knowledge
  5. Frames and Profiles
  6. Who's Who
  7. Thinking Maps and Graphic Organizers
  8. Ideas for a Writers' Bulletin Board
  9. Reasons, Causes, Results
  10. Personification and Interaction
  11. Read-Talk-Write
  12. Think-Pair-Share
  13. One Sentence Summaries
  14. Thinking Maps
  15. List - Group - Label
  16. Possible Sentences

Teachers' classrooms will reflect evidence of student writing and the use of the thinking strategies.

Activities: Building Adminsitrators - Leadership Team
Principals and Assistant Principals will determine the leadership team within each school and schedule common planning times for AM and PM cohorts of teachers.  This leadership team will plan all on-site meetings, address the logistics of these meetings (schedules, supplies and equipment, distribution and duplication of materials, directions, parking and lunch for the consultant)

Principals and Assistant Principals will arrange for substitute coverage, plan schedules for sub coverage and ensure that subs are properly deployed during the day of an on-site visit.

Principals and Assistant Principals will keep up to date regarding the content, purpose and structure of each of the NUA meetings, and the general approach reflected in each of the strategies.  They will ensure that copies of Writing as Learning (WAL),Teaching with the Brain in Mind (BIM), and composition books are available for teachers to use on site, as references and resources to support planning, instruction and reflection.

Principals and Assistant Principals will look for evidence of application of the strategies.  They will publicly recognize the efforts of teachers and Team Leaders as they incorporate these strategies into their plans and lessons.

Team Leaders will develop and distribute a systematic plan for actively supporting the use of writing strategies by the target teachers within their department.

Participating Teachers with the participating teachers in their departments, :

  • Each teacher will become familiar with the set of strategies and select ten (five each semester) that they wish to apply in their classes.
  • All teachers will design at least two lessons in which each of the strategies is applied.
  • Teachers will elicit impressions of the effectiveness of the strategies from their Students and share the information with each other and the Team Leaders and building administrators.
  • Teachers will meet regularly with the Team Leaders to discuss their concerns and observations regarding the impact of the strategies on their students writing. At least 3 of these discussions will take place each semester.


District/Central Office Personnel
To facilitate achievement of project goals, the district program administrators/staff developers will provide:

  • Hospitable facilities for group meetings.
  • Purchase, duplication and distribution of project materials.
  • Regular communication with NUA, with timely response to messages.
  • Support for the application of the NUA strategies across the disciplines.
  • Formal recognition of active participants: Team Leaders, Participating Teachers, Students.
  • Required attendance of administrators at site based meetings.
  • Recognition of all program activities supported by the building administrator.
  • Celebration of the ongoing and cumulative impact of NUA services in each school.

Indicators of Success
The district program administrators/staff developers can expect to see:

  • Evidence of Teacher - Supervisor conferences re: observations of writing lessons
  • Evidence of the introduction and practice of at least ten of the strategies listed above, in the target classes of the cooperating teachers.  (Written notices of meetings, conference notes, etc.)
  • Evidence of use of strategies by students in their writing.
  • Cultre of collaboration and teaming.


Current work in Beacon