The Who Am I modules focus on students bringing their experiences to life through a process that is both a student centered focus in regards to their cultural backgrounds, and a means of introducing the Pedagogy of Confidence High Operational Practices (HOPs). HOPs focus on the belief and belonging for every student, believing in all their gifts with a lens of equity consciousness. High Intellectual Performances (HIPs) for every student is part of the belief through the consciousness of equity. The framing of ‘Who Am I’ is equally ‘Who I Am’ a grounding of the consciousness of equity with belief and belonging. There are three modules:
• Who Am I • Who I Am
• Who We Are (The Community)
• Who Are My Ancestors (We Have Roots)

Who Am I is a process to reflect on oneself while learning about each other — as a staff and with students. This is very important for all students including early childhood through drawings, elementary and secondary where they can be reflective about their journey in words, phrases and drawings. The process follows the Pedagogy of Confidence structure of the Pedagogical Flow Map (PFM) with Priming, Processing and Retaining for Understanding. The key model used is Thinking Maps® to explore 1. one’s self, 2. their community and 3. their ancestors through the use of the cognitive language of the visual language/tools Thinking Maps®.
An overview of the Pedagogical Flow Map over a week with the Who Am I module. Each day is approximately a 40-60 minute lesson.