Overview of the approach and what is on this page. Some quotes of the purpose and impact.
Overview of Professional Learning Cycles
Professional Learn Cycles are a key component of National Urban Alliance’s partnerships.
School Coaches meet with Professional Learning Community (PLC) Teams (Professional Learning Teams – PLT)
The school coaches and leadership team meet with grade level (or content specific), support specialists and paraprofessionals prior to the virtual (Zoom, Google Meet) sessions with the NUA mentor. The purpose of these meetings are to set the stage for what the educators as a team wish to partner with NUA, and as an outcome ownership in the process. The meetings include:
- Leadership team visions / guides
- District curriculum
- Grade level teams
- School coach with teams
Virtual PLC with NUA Mentor(s)
The NUA mentor meets with each PLC (by grade level with all team members or by content team) for approximately 30 minutes using their input to guide the process for what will be demonstrated and facilitated at the upcoming site visit (usually the next week). The NUA mentor uses a setup to be like a classroom with use of a white board, document camera and other tools to facilitate the process. The decisions are then documented by the coach / PLC teams on a shared online document (e.g. Google Docs or Microsoft 365) with focus for the upcoming site visit.
- School Coaches in all sessions
- 30-40 minutes with teams
- HOPs for HIPs supports curriculum
On Site with NUA Mentors
The importance of on-site with the NUA mentor includes authentically seeing the High Operational Practices in action. This includes demonstrations by the NUA mentor as well as educators with their grade level teams observing (or teams as seen in best interest of the school). Participants often included in the grade level teams include EL and SPED teachers, as well as sessions with specialists (e.g. music, media, PE).
School Coach(es) Lead by Doing
NUA HOPs Monitoring System
(School community teams)
Amplifying Student Voice
(Hear the students feedback)
District Coaches & Lead Teams Sessions
(Cross site collaboration)
NUnity teams)