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ASCD 2009 Annual Conference - Learning Beyond Boundaries (March 13 - 16, 2009)

ASCD 2009 Annual Conference - Learning Beyond Boundaries
Orange County Convention Center, West Building, Orlando FL
March 13 - 16, 2009

Conference web site click here

NUA CEO Yvette Jackson
"Transforming Urban Classrooms Through Strengths: Making Students Smart Again"
Special Feature Session
Saturday, March 14, 2009 from
8:00 AM to 9:30 AM

Session description: "What happens when every teacher starts teaching with the students' strength in mind? What effect can it have in eliminating persistent gaps in achievement? This session will engage you in learning how to systematically develop students' cognitive skills, reflective thinking, and high intellectual performance using the framework of culture, language, and cognition. Find out how to reverse underachievement and transform your learning and teaching to make students smart again."

NUA Director of Evaluation Jill Lindsey
"Assessing Urban Teachers' Learning from NUA Professional Development"
Saturday, March 14, 2009
3:30 PM to 5:00 PM

Session description: "This session will offer examples of different methods used to formatively assess teachers' learning from National Urban Alliance (NUA) professional development. Three different methods--teacher products, focus groups, and classroom observations--will be outlined, along with recommendations and implications for follow-up activities based on the assessment results. Participants will experience a formative assessment and conduct a mini-analysis during the hands-on portion of the session."

NUA Mentor Alexis Leitgeb
"Improving Special Students' High Intellectual Performance"
Sunday, March 15, 2009
3:00 PM to 4:30 PM

Session description: "This multimedia session will inspire participants to appreciate the power of caring and good teaching. The presenters will demonstrate how teachers can remove barriers for students with physical, cognitive, and learning disabilities in order for them to achieve. They will describe how a team of special and regular education teachers and a National Urban Alliance (NUA) mentor provide special solutions for special kids. Using NUA strategies, severely challenged middle school students master content areas and participate fully in the classroom."

NUA Mentor Tracy Bailey
NUA Director Marilyn Zaretsky
Spoken Word, Step Show & Tupac’s Lyrics: Focusing on Strength
Sunday, March 15, 2009
4:45 PM to 6:15 PM

Session description: "There is enough evidence to support that all children, especially those in urban classrooms, can meet and exceed high standards. This extremely interactive session will demonstrate how students can be actively engaged in the learning process through well developed lessons that focus on language and youth culture. Find out how NUA mentors are currently engaged in a highly effective professional development program in Albany, NY. Learn strategies you can take back to your schools. Door prizes included."

NUA Director La Verne Flowers
NUA Mentor Norman Merrifield
Cityview Principal Laura Cavendar

WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE & HOW Connecting with Every Learner
Sunday March 15, 2008
12:30 PM to 2:30 PM

Session description: "How does a school transform itself to create an environment where teachers generate learning opportunities to engage each learner? Answer: By using cultural knowledge, student prior experience and performance styles, and pedagogy that capitalizes on student strengths. This highly interactive session will engage participants in teaching and learning strategies that teachers use at the Cityview Magnet School in Minnesota as part of the National Urban Alliance professional development initiative. Learn what they have discovered as appropriate and effective ways of inspiring learning for each child."

NUA Director Veronica McDermott
Working and Learning Together Without Boundaries
Saturday, March 14, 2009
8:00 AM to 9:30 AM

Session description: "Our team will present an overview of the implementation of NUA strategies used when presenting cross-curricular learning activities from a team approach. Our focus will be on actively engaging children in the learning process by collaborating with your peers. These strategies have enabled our students to become independent thinkers as they have learned to take the initiative for their own learning. A variety of methods will be discussed as to how best create a working and successful team."

NUA Director Ahmes Askia
NUA Mentor Stefanie Rome
Engaging & Nurturing High Intellectual Performance

National Middle School Association - 35th Annual Conference & Exhibit (2008)

National Middle School Association - 35th Annual Conference & Exhibit
Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Colorado
October 30-November 1, 2008

Conference web site click here

NUA CEO Yvette Jackson
"Transforming Urban Classrooms Through Strengths"
Featured Session
Friday, October 31, 2008
10:00 AM to 11:15 AM

Session description: "What happens when every teacher starts teaching with the students' strength in mind? What effect will it have in eliminating persistent gaps in achievement? This session will engage participants in learning how to systematically develop students' cognitive skills, reflective thinking and high intellectual performance using the framework of culture, language and cognition. Find out how to reverse underachievement and transform your learning and teaching to make students smart again"

NUA CEO Yvette Jackson
"Transforming Urban Classrooms Through Strengths"
Featured Session
Friday, October 31, 2008
12:15 PM to 1:30 PM

Session description: "This highly interactive session will focus on mediating learning and developing literacy. The participants will be guided in analyzing text with expository structure beginning with the identification of the underlying concept and how it is introduced to the students. Several strategies will be used including Hyerle's Thinking Maps. Participants will be actively engaged during the demonstration lesson."

     © 2010 National Urban Alliance