National Urban Alliance

The Collective
National Urban Alliance - Indianapolis Public Schools

Site Visit Briefs

Site Visit Evaluations Must be returned to NUA OFFICE, JMMS, Rm. 101 the day after the visit.

For the 2000-2001 school year, each school will receive 4-6 site visits by an NUA consultant:

  • Elementary Schools will receive 4 site visits including distance learning as part of one of the site visits.
  • Middle Schools will receive 6 site visits including distance learning during one of the site visits.
  • High Schools will receive 5 visits.

Lead NUA consultant and the third year team are the decision making team for structuring site visits through e-mail, telephone and fax.

  • Leadership Academy & / or third year team will serve as the contact persons.
  • Contact persons and NUA lead consultant are in regular contact.
  • Each school will be responsible for selecting the teachers who will attend these site visits.
  • Once the site visit dates have been established and confirmed by the consultants, the dates cannot be cancelled. If dates are changed, the school site will be required to bear any and all expenses involved.
  • Schools cannot arrange their own dates with the consultant. Date assignments will be handled through a central calendar due to many variables (sub-pool availability, the scheduling cycle for consultants, etc.)

You may view the site visit schedule through the NUA/IPS web page by doing the following:

Access the online schedule of the NUA/IPS schedule. To view schedule select ENTER AS A GUEST. Then select SINGLE SCHEDULE. You will now be on the schedule page. Select the Indianapolis Public Schools for the master schedule or a particular consultant for their schedule. You may also access a listing of IPS consultant assignments.

To further assist site visits:

Additional important elements of the site visit include:

  • Consultants are to give schools a full day, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., engaging in those activities listed under participation.
  • Please allow the Leadership Academy teachers to observe or assist the consultant while they are in the building. This will enhance their knowledge, boost their confidence and fine-tune their presentation skills.
  • Third year decision making team keeps school staff informed about the IPS/NUA initiative through a bulletin board, staff meetings and distribution of bi-monthly newsletters.
  • If there is a problem with a consultant or you are unhappy with services, call IPS/NUA office at 693-5477.
  • Focus of site visit with year 1 teachers will be on demo lessons using the strategies.
  • Focus of site visits for year 2 & 3 teachers will be on the identified collective students identified by each NUA teacher.

IPS Project Page

Leadership Academy


The Collective


