National Urban Alliance

Indianapolis Public Schools - Indianapolis, Indiana
Volume 1, Issue 1
August 2000

IPS Project Page

Leadership Academy

Boundary Sessions

Site Visits

Principal Seminars



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Academy Plans Distance Learning Opportunities

On August 8 and 9, NUA/ IPS Leadership Academy members met at IPS #14 to learn new skills and to plan professional development for the coming school year. Robert Price and Augusta Mann ideas flowingcontinued their highly successful partnership by presenting a variety of ways to use technology as a professional development tool to share expertise throughout the school system. Robert modeled ways to safely acquaint students with video equipment and then gave participants the opportunity to produce a short video. The results were truly amazing and often hilarious. We found that making videos was really fun and not as intimidating as we thought. We learned to storyboard our ideas to be able to plan shots and organize lighting and action.

On day 2, skills that were learned on Tuesday were applied to the concept of distance leaming.We learned about the five templates and planned different professional development opportunities to initiate in the fall. They were: Interactive Observation, Collaborative Development, Visiting Dynamic Classroom in Sharing Expertise and Professional Discussion. Each has its place in an overall professional development plan which will be in place during this school year. All in all, Robert and Augusta gave us a taste of what incredible tools distance learning and video can be for professional development in IPS. We are looking forward to seeing academy members on the small screen in the fall.

NUA Leadership Academy Listserv Goes Online

Communication with each other in the Academy is crucial for its success. We need to be able to plan together, exchange ideas and help each other with problems we are having in our individual buildings. With 57 schools in IPS, this has always seemed an impossible task. But no longer! Robert Price to the rescue. At our Leadership meetings throughout the 1999-2000 school year, academy members expressed the need for a Listserv address on the web so that we can communicate with each other. Robert has made this a reality. The address is:

Members have already been asked to give their ideas about a number of concepts. Feel free to use the Listserv in creative ways. If you need help, email Robert at

This is the first edition of our NUA/IPS Leadership Academy Newsletter. In it you will find information about the summer academies and the technology training that took place in the summer of 2000. You will also find websites to visit to help plan lessons this year. We welcome all contributors for issue two as well as suggestions for improvement. We all had a busy summer with NUA and hope that the new school year will bring continued successes for our children and our school district.

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August 2000

More information on listservs and other interesting listservs to subscribe to.


Here are some interesting websites that were on Robert's NUA homepage. Try these out and there will be more to come next issue.

Web 66

Jerome & Deborah's BIG PAGE of Teacher Research Sites

Franklin Institute Educational Hotlists

EdWeb by Andy Carvin

Internet Public Library

Global School Network

Summer Academies A Success

In the summer of 2000, Leadership Academy members met on two separate weeks. The members who were in their second year met June 13-16 at John Marshall Middle School. These were four jammed packed days of thinking, planning and learning. We were treated to Yvette Jackson speaking about Language, Culture and Cognition: Addressing the instructional needs of urban children. Milton Baxter spoke about language differences and difficulties. This tied into Augusta Mann's presentation about Ebonics and the history of language. She spoke of her Touching the Spirit Educational Model. Robert Price led sessions on Communicating Information through Technology, giving us all a taste of distance learning and how to send email to each other. Vangie Wise and Diana Daniels helped participants learn ways to spice up presentations in their schools. We learned that adult learners have different needs than young learners and to be a successful presenter, this fact needs to be kept in mind. Milton Baxter led sessions on peer coaching and we learned of the benefits and ways to combat the fears of having a peer observe your teaching. All throughout the week, members were modeled the Art of Teaching. All of the presenters were dedicated to helping the academy teachers move into leadership roles in each school.

The second Leadership Academy week was for teachers who had not been part of the Leadership Academy before. These teachers were brought up to date on Academy strategies and goals.

All in all, the academy weeks were a success.

This is my first newsletter. Please email me at with suggestions and comments. Thanks!

If Computer Error Messages were Haiku's...
First snow, then silence
This thousand dollar screen dies
so beautifully.

Three things are certain:
death, taxes, and lost data
Guess which has occurred.

Window NT crashed.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams.

Errors have occurred.
We won't tell you where or why.
Lazy Programers.

The code was willing.
It considered your request,
but the chips were weak.

ABORTED effort:
Close all that you have.
You ask way too much.

A crash reduces
your expensive computer
to a simple stone.

Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.

Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared.
Screen. Mind. Both are blank.